Astrology Signs

Astrology signs blog offers basic astrology information about zodiac signs, planets and elements.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Hello world of astrology

Hi Everybody!

My name is Rose Tacher and I am here to write about astrology signs and astrology charts. I try to post every day, but I don't know if I can make it, because of my family and work.

My personal experience on astrology comes from years of reading and chart making. I am not professional in this, but I do make quite a few charts for my friends. More than once we have been amazed how close the reality comes with the signs given by stars.

I encourage you to ask any questions, I will answer all of them to best of my knowledge. You can also ask personal charts from me, I do not promise to make anything complete just simple and short "check ups" to give you a second opinion if nothing else.

This blog is my first website, my daughter encouraged me to set it up (actually my son did it in practice) it seems to be quite easy to handle, so I will now start my journey in the sea of internet information. I hope this will help all of you to understand better the star signs and charts and I also hope that this experience will also give me more understanding of stars.

Welcome Everyone and have a nice night :)


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